25.12.2022, Vladimír Klaus, navštíveno 828x
V prosinci 2022 byla vydána nová verze prohlížeče IrfanView.
Co je nového:
- New PDF PlugIn (thanks to Pdfium guys)
- Option to save slideshow as MP4 video (Thanks to Shao Voon Wong)
- New options menu: Append current image to PDF (Options->Multipage images)
- New options menu: Edit multipage PDF (Options->Multipage images)
- New "Adobe 8BF filters" PlugIn (for 64-bit 8BF, thanks to Sinisa Petric)
- New in Advanced Batch dialog: All effects (Effects Browser dialog) can be used
- New in Properties->Extensions dialog: Load only minimal (browsing) extensions
- The selection rectangle can be resized on corners (with CTRL = proportional)
- Change for "Paste into Selection": you can move/resize the selection rectangle/image; click to apply selection image to main image
- New option in "Compare images" dialog: Show difference image
- New effect in Image->Effects menu: Skew/Shear image
- New hotkey: CTRL + SHIFT + G: Start Google Maps with GPS of the loaded file
- New command line option: /fs_exit => if started in fullscreen mode; ESC closes fullscreen and IrfanView
- Old/obsolete JPG options disabled: "Load as grayscale" and "Save as grayscale" (easy to forget; can be re-enabled using new INI flags)
- Removed very old PlugIn: FiltersUnlimited
- Several PlugIns are changed/updated, please install the newest versions: https://www.irfanview.com/plugins.htm