13.05.2022, Vladimír Klaus, navštíveno 1137x
V březnu 2022 byla vydána nová verze prohlížeče IrfanView.
Co je nového:
- JPG save preview dialog: Options to zoom/scroll the preview image
- New option in File menu: Compare current image with another image
- Option for Favorite menus (Edit menu); Right mouse click on menu item
- Options menu to "Create new EXIF data" in JPGs without EXIF
- New browsing options for mouse wheel (Properties->Browsing)
- Support for QOI format (Formats PlugIn, reading and saving)
- Improved DDS loading (BC7 compression, thanks to Richard Geldreich)
- TIF loading fixed (Thanks to Aslan Gurtsiev, CVE-2021-46064)
- New hotkey: ALT + SHIFT + B: Show thin or normal border (current session only)
- Several PlugIns are changed/updated, please install the newest versions: https://www.irfanview.com/plugins.htm