21.02.2018, Vladimír Klaus, navštíveno 2143x
V říjnu 2017 byla vydána nová verze skvělého prohlížeče IrfanView. A také po velmi dlouhé době má tato aplikace zcela nový web.
Co je nového:
- IrfanView and many PlugIns ported to Unicode!
- The INI file will be converted to Unicode if you call the "Properties" dialog
- IrfanView will NOT run on Win9x anymore
- Support for iPhone PNG files (Formats PlugIn, thanks to Jongware)
- Move selection with: CTRL or SHIFT + right mouse button (Y or X axis only)
- New option in Extract Pages/Frames dialog: Set page/frame range
- Some fixes in the Print dialog
- New text pattern: $m = show number of megapixels
- New Thumbnails sort menu: Sort by Megapixels
- Adjust print preview image to color/bw printer settings
- Wallpaper save format changed to PNG (Win8 and later)
- New zooming method: Mouse wheel alone, if "Browsing->View other files" disabled
- New command line option: /hotfolder="folder" => start Hotfolder option with a specific folder
- ANI format moved to FORMATS PlugIn
- JP2 PlugIn loading bug fixed (Talos Advisory TALOS-2017-0310)
- FPX/RLE/DJVU/ANI/SVG PlugIn loading bugs fixed (thanks to Lin Wang)
- Tools PlugIn EXE-loading problem fixed (thanks to Cody Sixteen and Lin Wang)
- Several PlugIns fixed or ported to unicode, please install the newest versions: http://www.irfanview.com/plugins.htm