15.01.2020, Vladimír Klaus, navštíveno 3271x


Aktualizace systémového programu syntezátoru Roland JUPITER-Xm není nic složitého a při postupování dle originálního návodu je to otázka pár minut. Potřebujete k tomu USB klíčenku, nejlépe naformátovanou přímo v přístroji. Já jsem použil normálně naformátovanou ve Windows na FAT32 a zafungovalo to zcela bez problémů.

Roland JUPITER-Xm, aktualizace 1.03 a 1.10, obr. 1

Z této stránky si stáhněte jupiterxm_sys_v103.zip, resp. nově jupiterxm_sys_v110.zip. Soubor, který je uvnitř - KY023_UPA_up.bin - zkopírujte do rootu USB klíčenky.

Pak už stačí klíčenku zastrčit do vypnutého syntezátoru, přidržet tlačítko FUNCTION a přístroj zapnout. Téměř ihned se objeví "JUPITER Updater…", čímž se rozeběhne aktualizace. Po pár minutách je aktualizace ukončena a jste vyzváni k vypnutí přístroje "Please power off". 

Roland JUPITER-Xm, aktualizace 1.03 a 1.10, obr. 2

Po zapnutí a kontrole systémových informací se můžete přesvědčit, jaká verze je nainstalována. Pokud jste aktualizovali z verze 1.02, bude změna patrná na první pohled už při stisknutí MENU, a kde dříve byly pouze tři položky, je dnes nabídka mnohem bohatší.

Roland JUPITER-Xm, aktualizace 1.03 a 1.10, obr. 3

Kromě spousty zajímavých novinek, které budu zkoumat následně, mě na první pohled zaujalo, že byla ve verzi 1.10 přidána i velká sada nových tónů - celkem 45! Vše je detailněji popsáno v doplňkovém manuálu.

  • JUPITER-8: JP105-116
  • JUNO-106: JU108-122
  • JX-8P: JX106-117
  • SH-101: SH097-102 

Roland JUPITER-Xm, aktualizace 1.03 a 1.10, obr. 4

verze 1.10 - leden 2020


  • The ZEN-Core Tone Import function is supported (MENU > UTILITY > IMPORT TONE).
  • SYSTEM > AGING parameters were organized and added.
  • The STEP EDIT function supports the TR-REC input method.
    Also, a pattern created using STEP EDIT can now be played as part of an arpeggio immediately after exiting STEP EDIT.
  • A Keyboard Input Range was added to I-ARPEGGIO. A lead can be played with the right-hand while playing an arpeggio with the left.
  • Interlinking with Apple MainStage is supported.
  • AIRA LINK is supported.
    Audio and MIDI connections to the AIRA MIXER MX-1 can be made using a single USB cable.
  • An Arp Sync function was added to I-ARPEGGIO (MENU > SYSTEM > ARPEGGIO).
    Playing with I-ARPEGGIO's beat or measures synced to an external sequencer is now possible.
  • Drive Sw, Part Level, and AGE were added to controller assignments for SL1, SL2, and the like.
  • The functionality of the [1] through [10] buttons can now be customized when in the PART mode.
  • PITCH, FILTER, and AMP settings for ENVELOPE and LFO can now each be made independently using the panel even during tone play for models other than JUPITER, JUNO, JX, and SH.
  • It is now possible to change the MODEL and CATEGORY by direct cursor movement using the cursor buttons at the MODEL BANK screen.
  • It is now possible to switch TRANSPOSE ON or OFF using the TRANSPOSE button.
  • TONEs were added.
  • Some SCENE settings were changed to support new parameters.


  • SCENE COMMON > VOICE RSRV failed to function.
  • When multiple categories have been arranged using MODEL BUTTON ASSIGN, only the first category is selectable (version 1.03).
  • The screen sometimes changes to the wrong display when a control is operated while holding down the [ SHIFT ] button.
  • Other minor bugs.

verze 1.03 - listopad 2019

  • The Aging function, by which the sound changes according to the unit's internal temperature, has been improved.
    • The change in sound when Aging is set to ON was modified to change in a more analog manner.
    • The [MENU] > Information screen now displays the unit's internal temperature.
    • When Aging is set to ON, the SCENE screen now displays the virtual internal temperature.
    • An Aging Initial Temperature parameter for virtually simulating the unit's initial internal temperature was added to the SYSTEM parameters.
    • Operation when the assignment feature's AUTO TUNING function is set to ON was modified to change in a more analog manner.
  • Portment Curve was added to the TONE parameters for the JUPITER, JUNO, JX, and SH models.
  • Icons are now used to indicate parts on the display. The display was improved to enable setting status to be understood at a glance.
  • Shortcuts to the respective editing pages were added to the MENU screen.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements in functionality were made.
